The text manual on page 85 details installing the brake system.
In item 1, it says the fuse should be on the main gear. It must be assumed that the bolts holding the gear on are already installed.
In item 9, it says to press the brake line into the groove in the aft side of the gear leg.
Question------do I remove the aft bolt holding the gear in place, install the brake line in the groove then replace the bolt, or does the brake line go to the outside of the bolt???
The detail for the belly fairing (figure 08-01) does not show any clearance or hole to accommodate the brake line if it is not in the gear leg groove, only an opening to allow the gear leg itself.
Guidance please.
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The brake lines are the same For trike or taildragger, if the figure drawing was used to drill the hole for the bulkhead fitting it should all work out.
Typically, when I install a gear leg, I will have the brake line right there ready to go. I will have the disc caliper and axle on the gear leg and temporarily bolt it in place, position the line where it fits best and then tamp it in the groove with a wood clock and a dead blow hammer.