I don't want to wait a year to get a Titan 340, so I have located an overhauled 0-320.
Michelle had indicated that might be my second choice.
Before I drop my cash I would like to hear from some that have done this, for details.
Anyone out there? Thanks!
Dave Lee
I plan on using a o320 160 hp, I have it all overhauled and new 160 hp cylinders
Dave, I’ve acquired an IO-320 to install in an upcoming project, my kit just shipped from Rans to Australia. If you checkout or post the question on the S-21 builders Facebook page and the Ransclan S-21 forum you might get a quick response. There’s quiet a number of O-320 /S-21 operators now. I’d be interested in performance comparisons from the variety of engine/ propeller combinations , chz Rob