Checked the alignment of the factory drilled holes on the S-21 seat back frame. One frame was good the other misaligned. Bolted the bad one together just to see what would happen. It was a mess.
Checked it out on the drill press. If one where to assume the first bend from the base was inline with the base, clamp it down, then drill, you would end up with exactly what the pictures show. The rod depicts what the pins would look like in the seat track. I know. I tried it. Doesn’t work.
Question is, what is the fix?
Solution: factory replaced seat back.
I have my own tig so not any drama. But if you have a mate that has one and is used to alu tig which I would think they would be if they had one its only a 10 min job to do it. It isnt structural really you just filling a hole...even a alu mig could do it just need to file it off to make smooth then redrill the holes.
Wow. That’s not cheap. I’ll look into getting another seat back frame.
Good idea. Need to hire that out.
Don’t have a tig.
It looks like the holes at the inner sides of the tube are fine. I would fill the outer holes by tig and then just redrill the outer holes to line up.