Any guidance on the size and shape tolerance of rivet holes? While drilling the last hole on the trailing edge of the top rudder rib, I let the bit go into the hole too far when it broke through and it hit the cleco on the opposite side. This tilted the bit and elongated the holes in the rib and skin, but mainly the skin as shown in the picture.
This should be a low stress position at the end of the cantilever, so my inclination is to not worry about it and only replace with a larger rivet later if this one starts to “smoke.” However, if this requires replacing the skin and rudder ribs, now is the time to do it.
Can someone offer guidance here? Replace skin and ribs? Rivet as is?

To close the loop on this. Another builder mentioned in the Facebook group that these are a good choice as an “oops” rivet for the AAPQ-41. And these are readily available from multiple sources.
Thanks, Ryan.
Replacement of the rib and skin will not be necessary. The proper fix is to up size the hole and pull the next size rivet. There are several over sized rivet options out there. Hope this helps.